Su questa piattaforma puoi prenotare o fare la tua donazione per accedere alle iniziative del FAI. Con la tua partecipazione ci aiuti concretamente a realizzare la nostra missione di tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio italiano e arte e natura. Per questo ti ringraziamo augurandoci che il tuo tempo insieme al FAI sia un tempo sempre speso bene.
The Monza Delegation collaborates with the property for the opening of the splendid Villa Borsani, normally closed to the public, located in Varedo, designed and built between 1943 and 1945 by Osvaldo Borsani as the main residence of the family.
The Villa offers a complex vision of stylistic synthesis: on two floors, it has an unmistakable modern character. The interior design sees the use of precious materials, in stark contrast with the austerity of the exterior. Inside, works by masters of contemporary art.
It will be possible to get to know the Villa from an architectural, artistic, historical, cultural point of view, with its garden, works of art; the story of a great architect and designer, founder of Tecno with his brother Fulgenzio Borsani.
Saturday 15 February at 4:30 pm
Meeting place: Via Umberto I, 148, Varedo, MB
Visits by FAI Monza volunteers
Duration of the visit: 45
Language - ENGLISH